Things branding is not.

Brand and branding, the most misleadingbut yet distorted terms in the field of marketing & advertising.  We come to know about it, again and again, I prefer that brand, I only buy that brand, or they have a good promising brand.  What actually constitutes a brand?  How is the brand dissimilar from branding? A brand is the communication of promise based upon values; what we convey people and what we wish them to trust from their first exposure. 

The memo of capacity is developed from the personality of the business that becomes the brand facade. Branding is the use of the tools to bring the message to consumers, increasing awareness and wanting them to create their own brand identity. So why all the misperception and misappropriation perceived b a top brand agency in London

Things a brand is not

1. Name.  The first imprint that begins to define and identify the business.  The name is finally what you wish you want to outline to the “only single” in the minds of customers.

2. Logo.  A logo introduces the business to live creatively. A painted image to implant in the minds of consumers to determine with when they get to hear your name, perceive your product or even see a logo that is alike.  The logo positions the stage for the corporate image and the graphic standards by categorizing the colors that signify your company.

3. Business Card, Brochure, Signage, etc.  These are allowances of the corporate identity that ropes your colors and product/service assistance by a top brand agency in London.

4. Website. A website is the earpiece of your marketing and advertising pains while increasing upon the corporate identity through content publishing. Websites are where the crux of the content is defined as big brochures become coffee table books that gather dust where engagement standards online continue to increase.

5. Controlled by Consumers.  If a brand is a message how can consumers take control of that? They alter it but never do they control it.  Social media marketing by the top brand agency in London introduced a completely new change of the consumer controlling the brand.  Did companies talk to customers face to face before to social media?  Did the consumer switch the message then? No, they did not, so today that the audience is wider how can the consumer control the message?

Consumers is meant to control sales.  If they like you, they purchase from you, if not they do not see where you match to their lives or did not get and evolve a positive brand identity. When you hear that consumers control the brand, particularly with the execution of social media think of this: bladder cancer – it is a brand, it is something we all have come to know of it so we are attentive, so then we control what they convey and do?  It is quite sure that if we did, it would be outdated.  Agree?   So why would we think that we as consumers would take control of any brand by a top brand agency in London? Do we sit in the room and create the message? No, it is not like that as we tend to affect it but never control it.
