7 latest trends in graphic design that are going to rule this year.

Graphic designing is one such domain that relies heavily on innovation and creativity. 2018 is truly the year graphic experts choose to take risks, in life and in graphic design. Because that’s the only way their design is going to stand out this year.

It simply means that the things you did to distinguish yourself from the pack in the past aren’t going to work this year. No more tedious stock photos or minimalist graphics. 2018 asks for chancier color schemes. Riskier GIFs, even.

Without wasting more time, here is a list of popular graphic design trends that are going to rule graphic designer services in London this year.

1.      Multiple brand color schemes

As companies continue to expand, they are more likely to reset with a lot of diverse and vibrant color schemes that help them stay distinctive, rather than fixing to the one.

2.      Solid colors

More and more brands are also using their core packaging hue as the backing colour in posters and supporting graphics. Fluoro colors and clashing tones have moved away from edgy startups into the mainstream. eBay’s new identity has color right at its heart, using it as a way to communicate both its breadth and inclusive personality.

3.      Excessive brand distillation

Throughout 2017, design has been getting simpler, yet richer. In a world where user experience is king, complex brand systems get in the way of the content. Function overrides superfluous design details, and every brand asset needs to earn its place.

So brands are striving to streamline their core assets, but looking to pack more meaning and distinctiveness into each element, he argues. Often this starts with the name.

4.      Modern still life

The use of high-end, styled and modern-looking still life was everywhere in 2017. Works that use flat colors with simple objects and shapes were trendy in 2017, especially in fashion and the luxury market. The graphic design services today revolve around contemporary, geometrical and a bit abstract.

5.      Generative identities hit the mainstream

We are seeing more brand identities making use of generative software graphics. What used to be seen as an avant-garde craft is now most definitely in the mainstream, as Nutella’s algorithm jars and the Hello Robot catalogue at the Vitra Design Museum exhibit.

6.      Genuine Images and personalized graphics

Generic is the one thing you don’t want to be in 2018. The one size fits all approach is long gone and we’re moving into a world where companies know a baby is on the way sometimes before you do. Stock photos are still very prominent. But It’s time to move away from the basic approach of just attaching a stock photo. If you’re going to use stock photos, incorporate the photo into a graphic with relevant text. The key is to personalize the graphic as much as possible.

7.      Unique layouts

2018 is all about having designs that stand out and the design layout is no different. Having symmetry on the design canvas has always been a standard in the trade, but companies have started to experiment away from this. Designers are starting to create asymmetric designs that use neutral space in a creative way.
